Fantasy Booking WrestleMania 32's Card

7. The Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royal

Cesaro benefited for only a very short time from his impressive win in last year's Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royal (thanks to WWE Creative dropping the ball), but now that it's clear that it will be an annual occurrence, it's fun to think ahead to who could be next to potentially benefit from winning come 2016. This year, it wouldn't be at all surprising for Damien Mizdow to pull an upset over The Miz, something you just know the crowd will love. Providing it returns for a third year though, and it will ultimately depend on the shape of the WWE in early 2016. Whether it's another up and coming talent from NXT or someone who could do with having their career rejuvenated, it would be great to see the Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royal remain on the card next year and used as a launching platform to give a fan-favourite heel or face a red hot run in the months following WrestleMania.

Josh Wilding hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.