Former TNA Star Takes Shot At Company On Twitter

When it comes to selling shirts, Joey Ryan can take down an entire company.

Joey Ryan Lucha Underground
Lucha Underground

Indie star Joey Ryan took to Twitter today to celebrate three years of independence from his former employer TNA, and also to take a dig at them along the way:

If that's true, then good for Joey. He's done a great job over the past couple of years making a name for himself on the indie scene. A few of his videos have gone viral, with perhaps the most ridiculous one seeing his penis throw 11 men out of a battle royal at the same time. That's powerful stuff.


Ryan definitely deserved a better shot in TNA, as he was the only Gut Check contestant who really stood out and came with a prepared gimmick. Through fan support he was able to land a job with them after they initially passed on him, but the company never seemed to get his character, and largely jobbed him out. Luckily he's found plenty of work, is engaged, and has a fun role on Lucha Underground playing a wrestler/undercover cop.


As for TNA, well, one man selling more shirts than them certainly doesn't make them look good. Hopefully next year's 4th of July sale will be kinder to them.

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TNA Joey Ryan
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