FTR Reveal AEW Locker Room Heat
The compelling stylistic war intensifies.

In an interview with Inside The Ropes, FTR revealed that their recent appearance on Jim Cornette's podcast did not go down very well in the AEW locker room.
"It's funny you should mention [Jim Cornette]," Dax Hardwood said, when asked if FTR can act as the bridge between the gaping chasm that divides the "new" and "old" schools. Talking about the tense scene in the hotel, Harwood likened it to "the typical scene in the movies where the record scratches, and everything stops and everybody stares at you".
"They were all so mad at us," Harwood continued. "Give us the heat," Cash Wheeler said.
It should be pointed out that FTR are embroiled in a quite brilliant storyline premised on the philosophical and stylistic differences between themselves, much of the Elite, and Fight For The Fallen opponents the Lucha Bros. This storyline was furthered magnificently by Harwood in particular on this week's episode of Dynamite.
This might lie somewhere between sophisticated work - the level of detail in this storyline is already fantastically intricate - and genuine animosity, since the AEW EVPs and Jim Cornette legitimately think of one another as worse than sh*t.