Game Of Thrones: Ranking 30 Characters' Chances In The Royal Rumble

28. Theon 'Reek' Greyjoy

Theon would strut into position and despite direct orders to command one corner, the jumped-up Greyjoy would foolishly attempt to claim the entire ring for himself. He's talented, but when it comes to rational thinking, Theon is dead-last, and that would prove his undoing. Method Of Elimination: Despite making a pact, Ramsay Bolton would set about removing pieces of Theon. Ramsay would quite happily carve up his new plaything until he was finally turned into the sub-human Reek. The newly-formed Reek would scuttle away to give audience members tremendous razor cuts in exchange for bath water.

27. Sam 'The Slayer' Tarly

Sam Tarly would enter the ring as a total underdog. Years of cowardice, craven behaviour and gobbling down unexplained amounts of food (seriously, how is that guy still huge?) led to the Ser Piggy name, but he was fresh off the back of a White Walker's scalp. Method Of Elimination: He would probably achieve more than anyone expected, but Sam wouldn't get anywhere near the elite fighters. To his credit, he's proven he could take a beating, but humans can only take so much punishment, and for all his bravery, Sam the Slayer would himself be slain.

What Culture contributor. NCTJ accredited Sports Journalist. Regret-filled Sunderland AFC season ticket holder. Optimism-filled NFL fan. Lover of all things Game Of Thrones, Breaking Bad, Walking Dead & more.