Heels Review: 10 Ups & 2 Downs For Episode 2: 'Dusty Finish'


1. Broken Brotherly Bond Mended Too Easily

Heels Dusty Finish

So often, the very nature of brothers sees them fighting, making up, fighting, making up, lather, rinse, repeat.

After the finale of last week's Kayfabe episode, the bond between Jack and Ace Spade seemed completely broken, with Jack going into business for himself and shooting on his brother, nearly snapping Ace's shoulder out of place and scuppering his purported move to the big leagues.

Dusty Finish's first half very much leans into this, with the brothers distant and with Jack forever ducking questions about his sibling. By the time that Jack and Crystal turn up at the karaoke bar to save Ace's drunken ass, it's believable that the elder Spade would stand up for his brother and the wrestling business' integrity in such a situation.

What doesn't work quite as well, though, is how Jack and Ace's broken bond is magically near-fixed after this incident. Like, the pair are both back on decent terms by the time Ace's hangover has worn off the next day. In doing so, it felt just a tad too rushed in how Heels took such a major step in repairing this fractured relationship here.

Is that relationship fully healed? No. Will it ever be? Probably. The point is, we got to this point in the rebuilding process a smidge too soon.

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