Here's How SummerSlam 2021 Could Make WWE History

SummerSlam 2021 could well be one of the biggest pay-per-views in WWE history. Here's how.

Summerslam 2021 promotional image

SummerSlam 2021 could be talked about in WWE circles for decades to come.

Dave Meltzer told readers of his Wrestling Observer newsletter that the pay-per-view is set to be the company's biggest non-WrestleMania show ever. In fact, as Dave explained, the live gate is on course to be the largest non-'Mania number in North American pro wrestling history.

That's massive.


Meltzer added that WWE released 42,883 tickets for SummerSlam - approx 5,000 of those are floating on secondary markets right now. If they're snapped up in time for the pay-per-view's start, then Vince McMahon will be able to boast about how 21 August 2021 was a landmark moment for his promotion.

Vinnie Mac won't miss the chance to brag about big business, that's for sure. That's not a dig either; WWE should be proud if SummerSlam draws in monster figures, and they 100% should use WrestleMania as a comparison to show off their success here.


'Mania's grand stadium shows once stood apart from every other event on the calendar. That's not necessarily the case now. SummerSlam has just gone up a notch, and it could start jousting with WWE's biggest annual show.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.