HORRIBLE Matches WWE Forced On Fans

9. Shane McMahon Vs. Dolph Ziggler

WWE Extreme Rules 2011 Country Whipping Match Jim Ross Michael Cole Jerry Lawler Jack Swagger

This is the first of three entries about Crown Jewel here, which really says everything about WWE's first few forays into Saudi Arabia for supershows they pretended were on par with WrestleMania. The 2018 version was particularly egregious, not least because it ended with a one-two punch of miserable rubbish.

More on the other bout later.

For now, revel in the moment as one Shane McMahon is declared "Best In The World". Yep, Shane-O won WWE's World Cup by replacing an injured Miz in the final vs. Dolph Ziggler. Short erm...babyface comeback later and McMahon was riding high with the trophy as Saudi royalty likely wondered where The Ultimate Warrior was.

In fairness, this did feed into a heel gimmick for Shane, but it was painful to watch play out nonetheless. A pro wrestling World Cup has merit, and tournaments do definitely work, but McMahon's last minute substitution and Hulk Hogan-style comeback failed to satisfy anyone.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.