Hulk Hogan's 26 Losses - From Cleanest To Screwiest
10. Judgment Day 2002 - The Undertaker
This was the match that (mercifully) ended Hogan's final WWE championship. To set up the match, Undertaker beat Hogan with a crow bar and then dragged him around behind a speeding motorcycle. This normally kills humans, but the mighty Hulkster was merely so physically compromised that he had a bad match. I mean, I assume that's what happened.
The match takes place in slow motion, and, despite ostensibly suffering from the effects of vehicular homicide, Hogan shrugged off Undertaker's offense and kept coming. To be fair, Taker's offense included the single worst chokeslam in human history, but still. It wasn't until Vince McMahon appeared to distract the official and allow Undertaker to land a chair shot and (non-embarrassing) chokeslam to put Hogan away.
Rating: Kind of a Drag