The WWE is in very good shape at this point in time. There hasn't been a bad PPV for months, Monday Night Raw is pulling solid ratings and the new Corporation angle is generating a significant buzz. Randy Orton is heel again but with a new direction, Daniel Bryan is experiencing the loudest crowd reactions of the PG Era, and Triple H looks terrific in his power-crazed businessman role. And, as a kicker, their "competition" at TNA are seemingly collapsing before they became a serious threat. However, every silver lining has a massive cloud over its shoulder. Whilst this purple patch for the company should be savoured, there is the notable elephant in the room concerning the ratio of heels to faces. The heels are doing fine on their side of the equation. Orton is WWE Champion, Alberto Del Rio is a firm World Heavyweight Champion, The Shield and The Wyatt Family are up-and-coming stables, Damien Sandow holds a Money in the Bank briefcase, and Brock Lesnar is waiting in the wings for his latest foray into the spotlight. However, this appears to be somewhat of a lopsided relationship. Of course, the top two babyfaces available at this time, Bryan and CM Punk, are two of the most over superstars in recent memory. They command legions of fans both in the casual bracket and amongst the IWC, they put on great matches and are currently both in engaging feuds. However, underneath these two, the roster appears a little bare. Injuries have played their hand in the current situation. With the main face of the company John Cena out for up to six months, and a similar lay-off for the jocular Irishman Sheamus, Bryan and Punk have a lot of pressure on their shoulders. This may have been eased, if not for the build of the other face superstars beneath them. Christian and Rob Van Dam are great wrestlers and well-admired veterans, but do not carry the same appeal as the aforementioned superstars, and so have been linked more to the prestige-sapped World Championship. Rey Mysterio is still nursing injuries and is on the decline as a performer, and nobody knows for sure when Chris Jericho will return. This leaves those that have recently switched allegiances to the noble cause, and quite frankly most don't seem to belong. The Big Show and Mark Henry have flip-flopped between heel and face for their entire careers, and have always been more marketable as monster heels. Show in particular has recently demonstrated a desire to aid Bryan in his battles against the Shield and Orton, and is getting good fan support for his torment in choosing his conscience over his career. Nevertheless, would he still be able to carry a high-card feud at this stage of his career? In addition to this, The Miz, Dolph Ziggler and Cody Rhodes all appear awkward and unconvincing in the role of hero, due to the fact that they played their heel characters so seamlessly. Ziggler in particular made a name for himself in social media as the #Heel, and frankly all three were getting better crowd reactions when they were part of the dark side. Just take Ziggler's Money in the Bank cash-in for example. The crowd went insane as they enjoyed Ziggler for his hard work and dedication above all else. These feelings all still remain, but his character had more personality and passion as a heel. The same with the Miz, who conversely doesn't share the same appreciation from technical wrestling fans, so is prone to being booed whenever he competes. Is it too difficult for a new babyface to get over in today's WWE? This is arguable, but the fact is that these recent faces need to get some meaningful feuds and become sympathetic characters in the eyes of the audience. Of course, suspension of disbelief is difficult in the age of the Internet, but to be truly considered faces they need to be regarded as fighting against insurmountable odds, and often going down swinging. A never say die attitude that both Bryan and Punk have demonstrated in their most recent feuds, and what Cena has made a living out of doing. Hopefully, the utilisation of the Shield as Triple H's personal henchmen will help Miz and Ziggler in particular become figures of empathy for the fans, who will eagerly rally behind them in bringing down the evil corporate structure. Until this happens though, the creative team will be praying that their two top babyfaces don't collapse under this new weight of expectation.
I am a British student currently studying at the University of York, and have a passionate interest in WWE, English football (soccer) and video gaming.