Is This Current Star WWE's Modern-Day Randy Savage?!

DDP thinks this current WWE man is today's very own 'Macho Man' Randy Savage.

WWE Clash At The Castle Seth Rollins

Diamond Dallas Page has likened Seth Rollins to a modern-day version of 'Macho Man' Randy Savage.

Does DDP think Seth wrestles like his old mentor? Nah, not really. Does he cut promos like him then? Hmm, not according to Page. Instead, the former WCW legend believes Rollins is akin to 2022's 'Mach' because of the elaborate outfits he sports on WWE TV.

Page told listeners on his podcast that this dedication to rocking new attires every single time he's on camera makes Seth "pop", and it helps him stand out from the rest of the workers on Raw, SmackDown and NXT.


The veteran doesn't think Rollins' over-the-top laugh or his catchy entrance music hurts either. Both set him apart from other characters in WWE, and the latter even adds a little audience participation element for the hell of it.

Seth's most recent dazzler, seen on Clash At The Castle in the UK for his match vs. Matt Riddle, was reminiscent of the kind of thing Savage might wear. It was OTT to the extreme, and DDP absolutely loved it. He only wants to see more.

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