Jeff Hardy Debuts New Finisher On WWE SmackDown

The 'Twist Of Fate' is a goner...

The 'Twist Of Fate' is no more. In WWE, at least.

During his comeback match on last night's episode of SmackDown, Jeff Hardy put his own personal...twist (ahem) on the established move. Instead of falling into a cutter bump like he and brother Matt have been doing for years, Jeff rotated into more of a swinging neck-breaker style fall.

Michael Cole made a big deal out of shouting, 'Twist Of Fury' when Hardy nailed the tweaked signature.


This, it seems, is Jeff's new set up for his trademark Swanton Bomb. Some are speculating online that the 'Twist Of Fate' has been abolished because Matt has left WWE and is now free to perform the move in other companies. Whether that's true or not, such speculation is totally understandable.

There's also a chance Jeff just wanted to shake things up a bit and, as Jim Ross is prone to saying on his podcast, "go away and learn a new hold". Freshening up one's act after such a lengthy spell on the sidelines isn't a bad idea for the daredevil high-flyer.


Get used to hearing 'Fury' instead of 'Fate' from now on.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.