Jeff Jarrett Says THIS Was The Final "Nail In WCW's Coffin"
David Arquette? Nope. Vince Russo? Forget it. Jeff Jarrett thinks this idea killed WCW.

Jeff Jarrett believes that WCW agreeing to tape Nitro and Thunder on the same night helped kill the company.
'Double J' told fans via his 'My World' podcast that the mood amongst wrestlers was low when WCW top brass informed them that they'd be pulling double duty on Monday nights. Jarrett also thinks that fans were left "disgruntled" by having to sit through marathon tapings.
The whole exercise was a mess that definitely didn't appeal to him.
Jeff said that nobody knew it at the time, but hitching Thunder onto Nitro like some "Z show" leech was "another nail in the coffin" for the promotion. Fan enthusiasm for these lengthy Mondays evaporated, and some on the roster also disliked the fact that they'd been asked to drop 52 dates from their contracts.
Jarrett had a downside guarantee, but he was also paid a flat fee per booking too. So, in other words, WCW wanted him to work gruelling double shots at these Nitro/Thunder tapings for less cash. It's not hard to see why he wasn't sold on that one.
Did this kill WCW? That's doubtful, but it definitely didn't help the product.