Jerry Lawler 'It's Good To Be The King' DVD Review: 17 Interesting Observations

16. Hereditary Problems

In 1965 Lawler's father suffered a heart attack and was then classed as disabled to work in the Ford factory. Jerry recalls how his father had pretty poor health all his life and actually suffered from congestive heart failure, going on to have no less than seven heart attacks. This has to go some way to explaining Jerry's own accident live on RAW in 2012. Mr Lawler would introduce his son to the professional wrestling business by taking him to Monday Night Memphis Wrestling at the Ellis Auditorium. Lawler Snr would work as an usher in exchange for two coveted box seats, which were going for around $2.50 at the time. Unfortunately, Jerry's dad passed away just before his wrestling career began. It would have meant so much to him seeing his son in the ring and making a mark in the business he loved so much.
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Content Producer

Video & written Content Producer for WhatCulture Wrestling. NCTJ trained journalist. BA Hons, Sports Journalism.