Jim Cornette Resigns From NWA Power Amid Race Row
Effective immediately.

In a line that was somehow deemed acceptable in post-production, Jim Cornette said the following of Trevor Murdoch on the most recent edition of NWA Powerrr.
"Trevor Murdoch is mad, bad and dangerous to know. He's the only man I've ever known that could strap a bucket of fried chicken on his back and ride a motor scooter across Ethiopia."
If you require an explanation as to why the joke is racist, Cornette is implying that the people of Ethiopia - a multi-ethnic state, but he means black, because he didn't mention a country with a predominantly white population - are so impoverished and animalistic that all of them, to a man, would chase said scooter down and steal said foodstuff, which is their favourite foodstuff, because they are black. The joke wouldn't work if, say eight Ethiopians were chasing Murdoch. They are all impoverished and animalistic.
The National Wrestling Alliance broke the news of Cornette's resignation with the following statement:
"Effective immediately: Jim Cornette has resigned from the National Wrestling Alliance. As an announcer on the November 19th edition of NWA Power, Jim made remarks during a singles match between Nick Aldis and Trevor Murdoch that were both offensive and do not meet the high standards of decency and good faith of the National Wrestling Alliance."
On the evidence of his Twitter activity, Cornette is not apologetic: he tweeted the following immediately before retweeting the official announcement:
"Morning everybody! Heard any good jokes lately? This coming Friday's Jim Cornette Experience (wherever you find your favorite podcasts) is liable to be a good one if you like hearing stupid people told what they can do with their stupidity."
Hoo boy.