John Cena Likely Taking More Time Off WWE?

American Grit could keep Cena out of action for months.

John cena

Vince McMahon's longtime workhorse John Cena has been increasingly hard to see on WWE television these days. It may be about to get even harder to find the guy.

Besides taking some time off here-and-there for minor roles in movies, Cena missed two entire months last year to film his reality show American Grit. With recent news that it's being renewed, it's likely he'll need a similar amount of time off again soon.

This is good for John, as at 39-years-old, his in-ring days could be ending within the next few years. However, this is not that great for WWE. American Grit wasn't a huge hit, so the company isn't likely to receive a lot of mainstream attention for letting him host the show. It's likely done just to keep their top star happy. But this also means that the depleted SmackDown roster will look even thinner.


Fans have been wanting to see Cena's successor for years, and it looks like the company has no choice now but to build one up quickly. Dean Ambrose captured the WWE Title out of nowhere, and Finn Balor is being given a title match at SummerSlam in a few weeks. Time will tell if either one is capable of reaching Cena's level, but in the short-run this could hurt SmackDown's chances of finally being perceived as an equal brand to Raw.

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John Cena
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