Kevin Owens "Bothers" This WWE Legend For WrestleMania Match "Every Year"

He got Steve Austin at WrestleMania, this WWE icon next for KO?

Shawn Michaels

Kevin Owens has revealed that he "bothers" none other than Shawn Michaels for a WrestleMania match "every year". In fact, the WWE stalwart has been doing that for a long time now, and he remains determined to coax HBK back into the ring for one more go-around.

KO told fans during a Q&A session on UpUpDownDown that Michaels always comes up with valid excuses for skipping the potential 'Mania clash. This year, Kev texted Shawn asking if he was ready to lace up the boots again. Two months went by without a response, then the NXT boss replied to say he'd just had shoulder surgery so wouldn't be able to do anything physical.


Owens finds it "so nice" that Michaels politely declines rather than just telling him to beat it. Of course, the SmackDown babyface was handpicked for Steve Austin's return bout at 'Mania 38, so he's probably confident about his chances of working with more legends on the biggest show(s) of the year.

Thus far, "Mr. WrestleMania" hasn't met him halfway. It's seriously unlikely to happen, and KO knows that, but he'll keep trying every spring. Who knows, maybe next year eh?

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood. Jamie started writing for WhatCulture in 2013, and has contributed thousands of articles and YouTube videos since then. He cut his teeth penning published pieces for top UK and European wrestling read Fighting Spirit Magazine (FSM), and also has extensive experience working within the wrestling biz as a manager and commentator for promotions like ICW on WWE Network and WCPW/Defiant since 2010. Further, Jamie also hosted the old Ministry Of Slam podcast, and has interviewed everyone from Steve Austin and Shawn Michaels to Bret Hart and Trish Stratus.