Konnan Punched By Leon Negro In Shoot Confrontation Outside Impact Tapings
You don't mess with Leon Negro.

Wrestling Observer's Dave Meltzer revealed on Twitter that Impact, AAA and Major League Wrestling's Konnan was slapped by Leon Negro outside of Impact's tapings in Mexico on Friday night. Meltzer also confirmed that this is not an angle.
Konnan returned to Impact as the manager of The Latin American Xchange in March 2017, but has since transitioned into a creative role backstage as of January 2019.
There's been no official news as to why this altercation went down, but the exchange was caught on video and quickly uploaded onto Facebook. A link to said video is also connected to Meltzer's tweet on the subject.
You can see the incident in our news video below;
Some fans are claiming that Negro wasn't happy with how he was being used inside of AAA and asked Konna why he wasn't in a better spot. Konnan apparently replied by stating that he wasn't good enough to be on the show, which lead to the slap. But, that is still speculation at this stage.
Hopefully one of the two will clarify what went actually went down in the coming days. Negro had to be dragged away from the scene, so whatever the issue was, it seems far from resolved.