Latest Update On WWE's New Headquarters

WWE's financial officers confirm when the new company HQ will be ready (and how much it'll cost).


WWE announced its intentions to move into new company headquarters way back in the (comparatively) halcyon days of March 2019. Things naturally went quiet on that front due to the COVID-19 pandemic, but The Stamford Advocate has some fresh info on WWE's next base of operations.

According to reports, a WWE spokesman told The Advocate that the move isn't expected to begin until "the fourth quarter of 2022". Wisely, WWE seem intent on seeing how the health situation shakes out - they're in no rush, basically.

WWE’s chief financial officer Kristina Salen did, however, reveal just how much the organisation plans to put aside for the move during a recent Q2 investors conference call. It won't be cheap. WWE will spend anywhere between $85-$105 million to "begin construction as well as enhance WWE’s production and technology infrastructure" in the new facility.


The promotion's current base is already state of the art, so it sounds like this new place is going to be something special.

To summarise, WWE's next headquarters will cost approx $100m and things will really get going on this front come late-2022. Stay tuned for more updates when they break.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.