Latest Word On Triple H's Plans For WWE NXT

Rumours abound that WWE's head of creative might restore NXT to former glory.

Triple H NXT

The Wrestling Observer is reporting that there are currently rumours doing the rounds about Triple H's plans for NXT going forwards.

According to that scuttlebutt, 'The Game' will do away with WWE's current "NXT 2.0" branding and revert things back to the more successful 'black and gold" format fans enjoyed before. At one time, NXT was very much Trips' baby - he'd probably like to stamp his authority on the show once again.

The Observer theorised that Triple H could headhunt top independent stars once again. Vince McMahon had moved NXT away from that in favour of scouting those he believed had a better chance of succeeding on WWE's main shows like Raw and SmackDown.


That posed problems, because interest nosedived in NXT once the "2.0" revamp kicked in and people realised it'd be nothing like the old shows. McMahon's exit could pave the way for smaller workers to find a place within WWE's system once more.

Triple H was responsible for successful NXT pushes from men like Adam Cole, Johnny Gargano and more. Could that format be on the comeback trail? Don't rule it out.

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