Let Him In: The Secret To Beating The Fiend

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When you turn off a light darkness floods in. This is something we used to see with Bray Wyatt's entrance, as he blew out his lantern and allowed darkness to overtake arenas for a moment.

That lantern is something that has stayed with the character of The Fiend, this time in the shape of Bray's own decapitated head with its mouth wide open and eyes sewn shut. It's always been surprising that this was allowed to stay on WWE's supposedly PG shows. Could it be the key to The Fiend's character, the literal location of the Firefly Funhouse?

"He won't see the sun again for years to come."

That line is repeated in The Fiend's entrance theme and the idea of not seeing the sun nicely ties into the lantern with its eyes sewn shut.

Could Wyatt's lantern be something akin to The Undertaker's urn? Could cutting open those stitches and letting the light out of those eyes force the darkness to return to where it came from in the first place, leaving only plain old Bray behind?

As deep a cut as the entire Firefly Funhouse concept is, this would see the one who defeats The Fiend being the one to grant its request, itself possibly a cry for help from a possessed Wyatt.

Let Him In.

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The Fiend
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