Life Beyond WWE: A Roundup Of World Wide Wrestling News

Samoa Joe And Magnus Strike Gold in Japan

OK, so these two guys might be TNA employees but this piece of news comes straight from the Pro Wrestling NOAH group in Japan. Magnus and Joe received a shot at the GHC Tag Team Championships at the most recent NOAH show battling Jun Akiyama and Akitoshi Saito in what was described as a gruelling contest. The match ended when Joe - a regular in Japan - pinned Saito following his patented muscle buster slam. The belts have previously been held by the likes of Vader, Too Cold Scorpio and Lord Tensai/Giant Bernard. On his twitter account Magnus made the following Tweet:

"New GHC/Pro Wrestling Noah World Tag Team Champions @Samoa Joe and yours truly, Ryoguko Sumo Hall it was an honour"

Given that Joe and Magnus have broken up as a team on TNA television, it is unlikely that the titles will be acknowledged on Impact on Thursday. Source:
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Master of Quack-Fu. Fishfinger Sandwich aficionado. Troll Hunter.