Major WWE Star "Disappointed" To Miss SmackDown At MSG

This top WWE star missed out on SmackDown in Madison Square Garden on Friday.

Damian Priest

Damian Priest was forced to miss a planned dark match main event following SmackDown going live from the iconic Madison Square Garden on Friday night, and the World Heavyweight Champ was understandably pretty bummed out about it.

The Judgment Day man posted on social media to reveal that his flight was late taking off earlier in the day. So, because the plane was stuck on the runway, Priest couldn't make it to New York in time for the show. There's no word yet on exactly who he was scheduled to wrestle in that dark match main.


Damian is a Raw-branded worker, but it isn't uncommon for WWE to fly major names in to help bolster star power for the live crowd. Priest wouldn't have appeared on screen during SmackDown anyway - he was only there to work in front of MSG.

The champ admitted he was "disappointed" to miss out on "the honour of main eventing The Garden". Priest fired out a quick apology to everyone, and said he was sure SmackDown would still end up being a fun night.


Damian must've been cursing his luck. Or lack of it!


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.