Michael Cole Shoots On CONFRONTING Old WWE Boss Vince McMahon
Vince McMahon used to bark at his WWE announcers often. Sometimes, they barked back!

Michael Cole has admitted that some of the things Vince McMahon shouted over the headset at him were "inappropriate", but the longstanding WWE announcer wasn't shy about shouting back when he felt things had gone too far.
Cole told The Ringer that he'd occasionally confront McMahon after shows behind the curtain and tell him: "That was bullsh*t". According to Michael, Vince "respected that I did that", and it might be part of the reason why he lasted so long in the commentary hot seat when others came and went.
Mick Foley has been candid before about how little tolerance he had for being barked at when he was trying to do his job behind the desk. Juggling a live broadcast with McMahon's ranting in his ear wasn't easy, but Cole managed to do it for decades before Triple H took over.
Michael also faced finger pointing from fans calling him "a puppet for Vince". On that, he said "some of that was probably true", but defended his professionalism. "I'm not a rebel", he added. "I’m here to make money, take care of my family and provide myself a good living; and when your boss asks you to do something, you do it. I still think, at that time, I was a hell of a good announcer".