Mick Foley’s 13 Most Hardcore Moments

12. Boiler Room Brawl

As well as the Empty Arena bout, Foley helped popularise another novel gimmick match; the Boiler Room Brawl. The way to win this type of match is to simply escape the boiler room before your opponent. Obviously it was never as straightforward as that though. In total Foley appeared in four of these showdowns, facing the Undertaker, Big Show and Triple H on two occasions. It was arguably his first meeting with Triple H that yielded the most extreme moment, when the Hardcore Legend took a tumble through a pile of debris from the height of a first floor building. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vwn8d2c2VWk His other Brawls included wooden planks and lead pipes amongst other foreign objects, making this another truly hardcore contest that has become synonymous with Foley.
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Mick Foley
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