Mick Foley’s 13 Most Hardcore Moments

10. Making Himself Bleed

Mick Foley and Ric Flair put on a brutal match at SummerSlam 2006, but they had another run-in during their later days in TNA. A week prior to their ultimate bout, the two legends shared an in-ring segment in which tempers soon flared (no pun intended). The result was that both Foley and the Nature Boy busted themselves open by simply bashing their own faces in. Sure, we€™ve seen blood in pro wrestling before, but rarely is it drawn through such deranged methods. And furthermore, Flair had the aid of a ring on his finger. Foley was working with bare knuckles. https://youtu.be/zbn2-Ku0oQ0?t=4m21s The resultant match between the two men was arguably more brutal, but many of the spots were ones that we€™d witnessed before. Foley busting himself open with his own bare hands was something different though, and a sign that even at the end of his career he remained as hardcore as ever.
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Mick Foley
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