MJF Blasts CM Punk, Praises Tony Khan After AEW Dynamite Goes Off Air

What happened when MJF got on the microphone after AEW Dynamite last night? Video within!


MJF cut a fiery Full Gear 2022 go-home promo following last night's episode of AEW Dynamite, referencing Tony Khan and seemingly CM Punk in an expletive-packed address for the Bridgeport, Connecticut crowd.

Talking after Dynamite had gone off the air, MJF was amped up. The promo, which quickly made its way to the internet, saw the World Title contender reference "the bullsh*t" that has gone down on AEW lately. Company founder and CEO Tony Khan was in the ring with him, and MJF began by setting his boss up for some praise.

"I would like to get real with you all, real quick," said 'The Salt of the Earth.' "Just give me a second... no bullsh*t, no bullsh*t, no bullsh*t. Everybody, just give me real quick. A lot of bullsh*t has gone on. A lot of bullsh*t. We all know it, we all know it. However, let me make something clear... me and you? We've been at odds once or twice. I'm not gonna stand here and act like that's not the case, but there's something I take issue with I've been seeing lately."


Continuing, Maxwell Jacob Friedman put Khan over huge, praising the promoter for the hard work he puts into his company.

"You guys think you're wrestling fans... imagine for one second that you had the opportunity to bring your love of professional wrestling out to the world and create an alternative", MJF said. motioning towards Khan. "Would you do it? This man, this man right here busts his ass week in, week out to give not just you, but all the boys in the back an opportunity to show how much we love professional wrestling."


"This sh*t is not ballet," continued Friedman. "Every time we get in the ring we are risking our lives... do you people understand that? And we don't take that lightly, and what I damn sure don't take lightly is somebody coming into my company, dropping their trousers, and taking a dump. That sh*t ain't happening no more."

The above appears to reference CM Punk's conduct at AEW's post All Out 2022 media scrum, where, with Khan sat beside him, the seemingly outgoing star verbally savaged The Elite, 'Hangman' Adam Page, and Colt Cabana. This sparked a backstage brawl with Kenny Omega and The Young Bucks, who are set to return at Full Gear 2022 this Saturday.


Punk, meanwhile, appears to be on the out, with him and AEW reportedly negotiating a contract buyout. Earlier this year, the veteran star and MJF engaged in one of this decade's most critically acclaimed wrestling feuds.

"Because this is the place - and the only reason why it's here is because of Tony f*cking Khan," MJF said, continuing his post-Dynamite promo. Without AEW, professional wrestling is a monopoly. Don't get me wrong, I love WWE. Trust me, I love WWE. However, hear me out, hear me out. Your favourite wrestlers don't get paid properly and don't eat properly unless Tony makes an alternative."

MJF, being MJF, brought it back to his ongoing storyline by the end. "I'm going to finish it with more honesty," he said. "Tony, I'm just going to keep it real with you. I'm carrying this damn place on my back and if I were you, I would pay up in the bidding war of 2024. Connecticut, you better buy this pay-per-view to witness history, because MJF is taking the gold home."

MJF challenges Jon Moxley for the AEW World Championship on 19 November's Full Gear 2022 pay-per-view.

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Channel Manager

Andy has been with WhatCulture for eight years and is currently WhatCulture's Wrestling Channel Manager. A writer, presenter, and editor with 10+ years of experience in online media, he has been a sponge for all wrestling knowledge since playing an old Royal Rumble 1992 VHS to ruin in his childhood. Having previously worked for Bleacher Report, Andy specialises in short and long-form writing, video presenting, voiceover acting, and editing, all characterised by expert wrestling knowledge and commentary. Andy is as much a fan of 1985 Jim Crockett Promotions as he is present-day AEW and WWE - just don't make him choose between the two.