NXT TakeOver: New Orleans - Every Match Ranked From Worst To Best

2. NXT North American Title - Ladder Match: EC3 Vs. Killian Dain Vs. Adam Cole Vs. Velveteen Dream Vs. Lars Sullivan Vs. Ricochet

ricochet ladder

Result: Adam Cole climbs the ladder to grab the title (31:24).

Rating: This threatened to be a show-stealer and more-than lived up the hype with so many fan-favourite talents in the mix. It's easily the strongest opener to an NXT event ever, and unquestionably all-timer ladder match.

The crowd was red-hot, it ran agreeably long, and there were literally dozens of great moments: Ricochet damn-near destroying himself numerous times, Cole and EC3 teaming up to use the ladder, several ladders getting wrecked through sheer force and so on.

The expected multi-man formula wasn't abundant enough to be annoying or predictable, even if there were moments where wrestlers blatantly spent too long sleeping.

Everyone pulled their weight and came out of it looking great, though, with a masterful mix of high-flying insanity and smash-mouth brawling. 9/10


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.