Paul Heyman & Vince McMahon Worked Closely Together For Last Night's WWE Raw
Heyman and Vince sat side-by-side in perfect harmony as Raw took a change in direction.

Whether you loved it or hated it, last night’s episode of Monday Night Raw certainly got people talking. With Paul Heyman getting to shake up the WWE’s red brand, many saw the former ECW head’s fingerprints all over the show. And now, new reports suggest that Heyman got to work in harmony with Vince McMahon in putting the show together.
It comes as no surprise that Vinny Mac was involved in Raw, of course – the remit of his recent hiring of Heyman and Eric Bischoff still seeing Vince ultimate having the final say on both Raw and SmackDown – but many were expecting McMahon’s relationship with his two new executive directors to be a potentially frosty one.
VKM is famous for being a complete and utter control freak, to the point that he even gets angry at himself and others for sneezing. Add to that, his relationship with Paul Heyman over the years has been a tumultuous one at beast. Even though many were expecting fireworks, PWTorch’s Wade Keller reports that Heyman and McMahon worked together without any semblance of a problem last night.
Keller claims that Heyman sat alongside Vince throughout the duration of Raw, with the content seen on TV being a combination of both men’s ideas. It’s also stated that Heyman has a lot of supporters backstage in WWE and has amassed a multitude of strong relationships with main roster talent over the past few years.
It remains to be seen just how the Heyman/McMahon dynamic works over the long run, but it seems to be a case of so far, so good for now.