Peyton Royce Accuses WWE Fan Of Stalking Her

The former IIconic posted a PSA on her Twitter before accusing a WWE fan of stalking.

Peyton Royce

Former Women's Tag Team Champion Peyton Royce has taken to Twitter to accuse a fan of stalking her after receiving a an unwanted package at her personal address.

In the star's Public Service Announcement on the social media platform, Royce revealed that she didn't personally give said fan her personal address, stating that it's "NOT ok" to send packages to people's homes without their consent. She also added that if fans really wanted to send her things, they can direct their packages to the WWE Performance Center instead:

“It is NOT ok to send packages to someone’s mailing address if they did not PERSONALLY give you their mailing address. This includes friends of the recipient. This is stalking & I will report you to authorities. If you would like to send fan mail, please use the WWE PC”


As seen in the tweet above, Royce also threatened to report the person responsible for the package to authorities, clearly stating that "this is stalking".


WWE's Mia Yim also offered some assistance with the situation, tweeting the former IIconic:

“Ps: DM me about this. May have some info”

At this time, it's being speculated that the fan responsible for this incident is the same person who has sent a number of packages to multiple other women in the company. Though this hasn't been confirmed, as of writing.


We'll be sure to provide you with more information and updates on this unsettling situation as and when it becomes known.


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...