Predicting 10 Next WWE NXT Call-Ups To Main Roster

10. Apollo Crews

Apollo Crews could be the next great WWE babyface, and possibly become the future face of the company. If nothing else, the man is a hell of a lot more likable than Roman Reigns. He€™s crazy athletic, has a passion for the business, and has a nice smile! He also doesn€™t act like a condescending butthole. What€™s not to love? Some wrestlers you can call up anytime to fill a role, like a Tyler Breeze or Kalisto. But Apollo should be protected until the company is ready to go with him in a big way, like Kevin Owens. It wouldn€™t do any good to insert him into the Intercontinental Title range, and have him trade wins and losses back and forth like the majority of the roster. He needs to be built up, and plow through opponents. It doesn€™t seem like his call-up is imminent, as he hasn€™t won the NXT Title yet, and recently lost cleanly to Baron Corbin. Apollo only made his in-ring televised debut in August, so they€™ll probably keep him in developmental for a while longer. However, due to his sheer talent, it seems likely that he€™ll join the main roster sometime in 2016. There is something special with Apollo, and you can only hope that WWE doesn€™t screw it up. Sadly, that's kind of asking a lot for them.
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Sami Zayn
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