Predicting All 32 Participants In WWE's Mae Young Classic Tournament

20. Sarah Stock

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By daysofthundr46 [CC BY-SA 2.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons

Thea Trinidad's TNA Knockouts Tag Team Championship partner is also currently signed to WWE, albeit in a training capacity. Known as Sarita in TNA, Sarah Stock has been working at the WWE Performance Center since September 2015. The Mae Young Classic represents a great opportunity for Stock to lace up the boots one last time.

Stock isn't the only high profile female trainer at the PC - Sara Amato is assistant head trainer in Florida. Wrestling fans have been fantasy booking Sara Del Rey in a WWE ring for years now, but not even the most optimistic will expect SDR to take part in the Mae Young Classic.

Sarah Stock is a possibility on the other hand, and could represent a great experienced hand for performers like Victoria Gonzalez and Danielle Kamela to bounce off.


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