Predicting The Future Of Every Released WWE Wrestler

8. Aliyah

Dolph Ziggler AEW

Promotion: WWE

Why There: Christ knows how WWE chiefs came to a decision on Aliyah. If anything, it's almost surprising that they remembered she was even still under contract. Creative sure didn't, 'cause the 2021 NXT > SmackDown draftee was roundly ignored by the writers shortly after that jump.

This isn't the end of Aliyah's story, hopefully. She deserves the chance to show what she's capable of, and this writer believes WWE will come knocking again before she lands anywhere else. Yep, the guess here is that Aliyah's departure from the E is a temporary one.

Would anybody really be shocked by that? Quick turnarounds have happened before.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.