Predicting The Future Of Every Released WWE Wrestler

6. Rick Boogs

Dolph Ziggler AEW

Promotion: New Japan

Why There: F*ck it, let's send Boogsy to New Japan!

His WWE career never recovered following that nasty injury at WrestleMania 38, which is a shame. Boogs was pretty over as Shinsuke Nakamura's high-pitched hype man, and the pair had formed a popular tag team together pre-injury agony on the grandest stage.

Rick could soar by working a strongman gimmick internationally. If that doesn't suit, then cut out the WWE-ish gimmickry and turn him into a boots n' tights wrassler who just wants to wrassle like a good wrassler should. Hey, eliminating some of WWE's more quirky b*llocks worked for Jon Moxley when he went to Japan.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.