Predicting The Next 12 WWE World Heavyweight Champions

1. Roman Reigns

Despite what happened on this week's Raw, chances are that Roman Reigns WILL become the WWE World Heavyweight Champion at WrestleMania 31. His match with Daniel Bryan at Fast Lane will more than likely be used to prove to sceptics that Reigns is capable of delivering a great match with the right opponent, something no one believes is possible as of right now. If there's anyone who can get that out of him though, it's Bryan. Unlike last year when Batista was receiving an overwhelmingly negative response from WWE fans, the crowd reaction to Reigns is still mixed and sometimes seems to actually be mostly positive. For that reason, it's hard to imagine that plans will once again be so drastically changed, though it is always possible the match is altered in some way. With Lesnar's contract nearing an end and a year long journey which has seen him transformed from a Beast into an UNSTOPPABLE Beast, Roman Reigns still appears to be Vince McMahon's hand picked choice to be the one to bring that reign to an end (no pun intended). Is it believable that Roman stands a chance against Brock? Not even remotely. Perhaps they'll surprise us all on the Road to WrestleMania, but for now...Roman it is!
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Bray Wyatt
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