Randy Orton Turns On Riddle On WWE Raw - Is RKBro Dead?
Riddle ate an RKO on Randy Orton's Raw return, but is RKBro really over?

Randy Orton turned on Riddle at the end of last night's episode of WWE Raw, hitting his RKBro partner with an RKO after overcoming AJ Styles in the main event.
Appearing on his first episode of Raw since June, Orton opened the show, addressing the crowd before he was quickly interrupted by Riddle. Randy tried to break his alliance with the overly-enthusiastic former UFC fighter off until AJ Styles and Omos arrived, sparking the argument that eventually birthed the main event.
Styles vs. Orton concluded when Randy countered a Phenomenal Forearm into the pin. Omos was too preoccupied to intervene, having run Riddle into the post during an attempted sleeper hold.
Then came the turn. Though Orton and Riddle embraced after the bell, Orton nailed him with an RKO as soon as they separated. Smiling and laughing, Randy looked delighted with himself, and that announcer Byron Saxton yelled "I think they're back together!" created a tonal disconnect that makes it unclear whether or not this was intended to be an actual RKBro split.
Either way, Orton's RKOs on Riddle and Styles were amongst the most over things on the show.