Randy Orton's 5 Disastrously Painful Foreign Object Fails

4. Revenge Of The Announce Table

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3wgVJ8GW2lw Announce Tables are famed for taking quite the beating, but against Randy Orton they€™ve actually scored a couple of wins. Unlike a powerbomb or an Attitude Adjustment, the RKO is a snap-like move that can often arrive€”as we€™ve seen on Vine as of late€”from completely out of nowhere. Perhaps this suddenness detracts from the move€™s impact, allowing the table to remain unbroken. Either way, Orton has often failed to actually break the Announce Table, with his attempts on Triple H and more recently Roman Reigns just a couple of examples of this.
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Randy Orton
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