Ranking All 20 February WWE Pay Per Views From Worst To Best

3. Elimination Chamber 2010

Wrestlemania 26 was disappointing, because the build to it was so amazing, and the actual execution didn€™t live up to the hype. One of the reasons the build was so good was because of the Elimination Chamber Pay Per View the month prior. As far as Elimination Chamber Pay Per Views go, this show had the wildest endings to both of its Chamber matches, and the key players weren€™t even involved in the match to begin with! The Raw chamber started the show, and after John Cena won the WWE Championship, beating Triple H at the end, Vince McMahon gave an invisible Money in the Bank briefcase to Batista and sent him out to face Cena in an impromptu championship match, and it only took Batista roughly 30 seconds to win the WWE Championship, setting up the Batista/Cena championship match for Wrestlemania. The Smackdown chamber ended with Shawn Michaels coming through the bottom of the chamber to superkick The Undertaker, who lost his World Championship at the very end to Chris Jericho. It was a last-ditch effort on Michaels€™s part to get another Wrestlemania match against Undertaker, and it finally worked. The rest of the card was pretty weak, but the excellence of the two Chamber matches (and their finishes) was enough to put this show near the top of the list.

Justin has been writing about professional wrestling for more than 15 years. A lifelong WWE fan, he also is a big fan of Ring of Honor.