Ranking All Braun Strowman’s WWE Stunts From Worst To Best

1. Tipping Over Roman Reigns' Ambulance

Here's that hoist again, but this is still the best of the lot.

Almost three months before they'd collide in an Ambulance Match at Great Balls Of Fire, Roman Reigns and Braun used one for a backstage skit on the 10 April Raw. Anyone who dislikes Reigns' babyface character would have had a field day here. He got quite the pasting from his strongman rival, and it seemed to go on forever.

First of all, Strowman ambushed Roman's backstage sit-down with Michael Cole, threw him against a wall and hurled him through a table. Then, Braun hit his Running Power Slam onto a production crate and thumped another against his face. As if that wasn't enough, the mayhem continued.

Once Reigns was placed on a stretcher, Braun attacked again and ran Roman (who was helpless) off the end of a loading dock. Not content, he entered the ambulance, pasted Reigns some more, left and eventually tipped the vehicle over.

Job done.


What were your favourite Braun Strowman stunts? Let us know your thoughts down in the comments section below!


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