Ranking All Braun Strowman’s WWE Stunts From Worst To Best

9. The Porta-Potty Incident

Don't worry, Kevin. Things could only get better fo...

...or not. A week or so after Braun cost KO some serious change by wrecking his rental car, the big man was at it again by terrorising Owens and playing the ultimate game of hide-and-seek on Raw. Then, after KO tried to hide in a porta-potty, Strowman hauled it out in front of the fans live on air and pushed it off the stage.

This was WWE comedy at its worst. Quite how the writers resisted temptation and didn't pen Owens to writhe around covered in sh*t is anyone's guess. That's usual protocol when it comes to toilet humour in the company, and so KO dodged a bullet here. He only had to sell pain whilst covered in blue stuff, so we'd say he got off lightly.

Again, this set piece and the feud as a whole did nothing for either man. Braun looked like a bully and Owens came across as somebody who just wanted to get on with his life without suffering the embarrassment of being pushed around in a portable loo.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.