Ranking Every 2019 WWE Draft Pick So Far From Worst To Best

2. Randy Orton

Randy Orton

Draft Position: #4 to Raw. #6 overall.

Randy Orton has been on SmackDown since forever, and that's why he needed fresh surroundings.

Having new names to work with will be a good thing for Orton's career at this point. He was growing just a bit stale on Tuesdays before SmackDown moved to Friday nights, and his WWE Title challenge opposite Kofi Kingston failed to set the touch paper alight in terms of fan interest beyond the first few, shoot-style promos.

Should Randy continue that loose-lipped feel on Mondays, he'll definitely be a credit to the Raw roster. Think of him as that veteran name who can survive strings of losses without shedding credibility. Seeing him wrestle Ricochet would be a great use of his experience.


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