Ranking Every 2019 WWE Draft Pick So Far From Worst To Best

14. The Viking Raiders

Viking Raiders

Draft Position: #10 to Raw. #16 overall.

The War Raiders Viking Machine Experience Of Doom are now exclusive property of Monday nights. Erik and Ivar were drafted 16th overall across the first four rounds; that, if nothing else, shows that WWE do have plans for them in the future. They're at the forefront of creative's minds, and that has to be considered a plus after their bogus start to life away from NXT.

The Raiders lack that menace they had on the indy circuit though. That's one aspect of their act WWE must address, and quickly, before people lose patience entirely and give up on the duo. They'd be higher on this list if WWE had booked them to do more than squash jobbers.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.