Much like The Stunner and the Guillotine Legdrop, the Tombstone is a finisher that isn't likely to be used by a fellow wrestler once the talent retires. That's partly due to piledrivers in general being banned in WWE due to the risk of neck injuries, but it also wouldn't feel right for years seeing someone besides Taker (or Kane) using it. What helps make the Tombstone so iconic is that Taker has been using it since he debuted in 1990. Few wrestlers have the longevity and popularity that he's enjoyed to make his finisher an all-time classic. While he's added the Chokeslam, the Last Ride and Hell's Gate as legitimate match ending maneuvers, it's the Tombstone that gets the crowd to their feet like none other. The Tombstone Piledriver, The Undertaker and professional wrestling were just all meant to be together.
As Rust Cohle from True Detective said "Life's barely long enough to get good at one thing. So be careful what you're good at."
Sadly, I can't solve a murder like Rust...or change a tire, or even tie a tie. But I do know all the lyrics to Hulk Hogan's "Real American" theme song and can easily name every Natural Born Thriller from the dying days of WCW. I was once ranked 21st in the United States in Tetris...on the Playstation 3 version...for about a week.
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