Ranking Every Night Two WWE 2021 Draft Pick From Worst To Best

11. Ridge Holland

Gable Steveson WWE Raw

Draft Position: #11 to SmackDown. #22 overall.

Brand Switch: NXT to SmackDown.

Ridge Holland is an experiment.

The ex-NXT man has nothing to lose by trying SmackDown on for size and seeing what's what on WWE's main roster. Honestly, if this fails, then he can slink back to NXT or NXT UK without really losing much face. Nobody is expecting that he's coming in to dominate the show, let's be real here.

If nothing else, Ridge was an unexpected surprise pick for the 2021 Draft, and it badly needed a few of those to make it feel less...safe. Holland's arrival on SmackDown comes packed with intrigue, which is all one could really ask for from his announcement.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.