Ranking Every Night Two WWE 2021 Draft Pick From Worst To Best

8. Ricochet

Gable Steveson WWE Raw

Draft Position: #8 to SmackDown. #16 overall.

Brand Switch: Raw to SmackDown.

Attention, WWE: Ricochet is one hell of a worker. No, he can't cut promos like The Rock circa 1999, and yes, he's exactly the kind of "flippy sh*t" wrestler Vince McMahon will never understand, but he has serious potential as an underdog babyface.

God, Ricochet vs. Roman Reigns could be tremendous if it's programmed properly.

That's why Rico is as high on this list as he is. His leap to SmackDown represents another chance for WWE to get things right with him. This writer is absolutely certain that he'd connect with the crowd if he was given some kind of stability on screen.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.