Ranking Every Sole Survivor In WWE Survivor Series History

14. The Interrogator (Survivor Series 1997)

Ultimate Warrior Survivor Series

Out of all the names on this list, you are probably thinking, "how on earth did The Interrogator of The Truth Commission become a sole survivor?" Well, that's quite easily done when you're a 7'2" monster.

This was during WWE's ill-fated Gang Wars storyline which also involved D.O.A, The Nation of Domination, and Los Boricuas. The angle was a complete flop and failed to ignite any interest from fans.

Despite that, The Interrogator, who would later become Kurrgan of The Oddities, managed to look impressive in this match, defeating three opponents and claiming victory. Sure, he beat all three of them with a very basic Sidewalk Slam but are you going to argue with him? I thought not.

Kurrgan left WWE in 1999 and when it was all said and done, this match was probably his crowning achievement. He now works as an actor and has appeared in films like 300, Sherlock Holmes, and Pacific Rim. Good on him!


Greg Evans is a freelance journalist who specializes in film, TV, football and wrestling. He's been obsessed with wrestling since he can remember and still wants a pair of Bret Hart's sunglasses. Amongst his wardrobe is an Ultimate Warrior jacket. Make of that what you will....