Ranking Every Triple H WrestleMania Match From Worst To Best
Undisputed achievements to Ultimate squashes, and every Triple H WrestleMania moment in-between.

With news breaking of the Godfather of NXT finally calling it a day in-between the ropes on the back of a life-threatening cardiac event, it was only natural for a whole host of fans, former colleagues, and those who had sat under his heavily-bearded learning tree over the years to rush to Twitter to bang The King of King's drum for all to hear.
Sure enough, a large portion of these supportive tweets and tributes to The Game have shone a light on the many jaw-dropping feats Vince McMahon's son-in-law has managed to achieve whilst plying his trade within the boss' company. And a great many of said eye-catching achievements just so happened to go down on a certain Grandest Stage of Them All.
Yet, for every epic conclusion to a long-running storyline or crowning moment in the main event of a Show of Shows, there has also been the odd 'Mania misstep involving the one-time Degenerate that Trips would likely want you to forget about now that his legacy in the squared-circle has been firmly cemented.
From deeply disappointing attempts to get the next big thing over, to showdowns that gave game-changing eras the send-off they undoubtedly deserved, this 'Mania matches list is all about The Game...
23. Vs. Roman Reigns - WrestleMania 32

Bringing us into the often over-indulgent and frequently excessively long period that ultimately acted as The Game's last 'Mania chapter, Triple H's WWE Championship defence against the Big Dog who would be Tribal Chief more than earns the wooden spoon on this list for its soul-crushingly dull execution of an already jarringly inevitable conclusion.
In isolation, the match wasn't the outright worst of Paul Levesque's 'Mania career by any means (oh, we'll get there!). But the sheer apathy that met the sight of Roman Reigns overcoming the big bad on-screen Authority figure to win the big one definitely acts as perhaps the most high profile in-ring failure of his career.
Trips was tasked with getting you to give a sh*t about the company's evident new top lad, but couldn't do anything to send the largest 'Mania crowd in WWE history home happy in Texas. And any match that peaks upon watching a big Samoan dude spear his adversaries' wife into next week likely doesn't need to be revisited any time soon.