Ranking Every Triple H WrestleMania Match From Worst To Best

21. Vs. Booker T - WrestleMania XIX

Triple H Wrestlemania 18

Again, this isn't a case of the match itself being an outright dud. But, as you're likely already aware of at this point, a showdown tends to be remembered more for the way it made you feel rather than how tight and effective the physical work on the night was.

And in the case of World Heavyweight Champion Triple H putting his Big Gold Belt on the line against Booker T, the feeling of inescapable bitterness that washed over those in attendance upon witnessing the finish was palpable.

Coming into the bout itself, The Game's delivery of a "somebody like you doesn’t get to be a world champion" promo had already added uncomfortable layers of undeniable racism to the feud. To then have the pr*ck of a champ come out on top, after taking an age to make the pin post-Pedigree no less, was about as baffling a decision as any Trips found himself involved in over the course of his never-ending run at the top.

Not for the last time on this list, the wrong man won.

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...