Ranking Every UK Title Change In WWE History From Worst To Best

12. The British Bulldog (Hardcore Title - Insurrextion 2000)

British Bulldog Hardcore Title
WWE Network

It's stunning to realise that less than eight years had passed between Davey Boy Smith's finest WWF hour and this throwaway Hardcore Title win at Insurexxtion 2000. In front of a London crowd who were still happy to see him, The British Bulldog beat Crash Holly (him again) in less than four minutes to take the broken belt.

The only reason this one tops Crash winning the European Title later the same year is down to a few weapon shots and the general mayhem Hardcore Title matches involved. Besides, seeing Bulldog win something in the UK was always fun, even if he was never realistically going to hold the title for long.

Although it's hard to shake the sad fall from grace Smith's career had experienced since SummerSlam '92, this gave British fans something to shout about on home turf.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.