Ranking Every UK Title Change In WWE History From Worst To Best

9. Big Show & Kane (WWE Tag-Team Titles - Raw, 2011)

Kane Big Show
WWE Network

Another short match and another title change booked exclusively so people would beam with pride over the fact WWE had done something worthwhile in their hometown. That's really all there is to say about Big Show and Kane beating The Corre on the 22 April 2011 SmackDown in London.

The match lasted just over four minutes and ended with a Show Chokeslam on Heath Slater. Fans did pop for the result, but it was clear even then that the Show/Kane title reign was a temporary thing. 34 nights later, they dropped the belts to The New Nexus on Raw. So much for that.

Perhaps the only thing of worth here is some neat work from the underrated Justin Gabriel.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.