Ranking Every World Title Match To Take Place On New Year's Raws

1. The Rock Vs. Mankind (January 4, 1999)

The match that transcended the Monday Night War and made Mankind a star, as if he wasn't one already. You would be foolish to think it wouldn't take the top spot on this list. In fact, had it not been for this bout, this list likely wouldn't exist because it created a formula for WWE to hold world title matches on the first Raw of the new year in the two decades that followed. The story couldn't have been better with Mankind, the immensely popular fan favorite, vying to win the WWE Championship from the sell-out corporate champion, The Rock. With no disqualifications and no count-outs in play, Rock didn't have the champion's advantage, though he did have The Corporation in his corner. Regardless, Mankind battled back against all odds and refused to lose to The Brahma Bull, enduring an incredulous amount of punishment at the hands of Rock. Mankind managed to pull through with his patented Mr. Socko only to be ambushed by Ken Shamrock and the rest of The Corporation. What followed was what has been described as one of if not the loudest reaction in WWE history as the signature glass shattered and Stone Cold Steve Austin entered the arena, laying waste to everyone in sight with a steel chair. Taking advantage of the opportunity, Mrs. Foley's Baby Boy covered Rock as the crowd came unglued to clinch his very first WWE title. And yes, although he was being sarcastic, WCW commentator Tony Schiavone, who spoiled the outcome of the match on commentary on Nitro, was right: Mick Foley winning the title definitely did put "butts in the seats." Just enough, actually, to turn the tides in WWE's favor in the Monday Night War. Which of these matches do you rank highest? Share your picks below in the comments thread.

Since 2008, Graham has been a diehard pro wrestling fan and, in 2010, he combined his passions for WWE and writing when he joined Bleacher Report. Equipped with a master's in journalism, Graham has contributed to WhatCulture, FanSided's Daily DDT, Sports Betting Dime, and GateHouse Media. Along the way, he has conducted interviews with wrestling superstars like Chris Jericho, Edge, Goldberg, Christian, Diamond Dallas Page, Jim Ross, Adam Cole, Tessa Blanchard, Ryback, and Nick Aldis among others.